A chance encounter at a job fair just over ten years ago led Thomas (Tommy) Worden to the USPTO, and he hasn’t looked back since. One of the agency’s 868 military veterans, Tommy now serves as a p...Read More
Doing more at USPTO and across the U.S. Department of Commerce to support our #military! To read more from the Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and me — and learn of ...Read More
USPTO team members gathered to celebrate summer during the annual Voluntary Employee Organization (VEO) Summer Bash this month. Sponsored by the USPTO Military Association (UMA), the Patent & Trad...Read More
The USPTO Military Association (UMA), Patent and Trademark Office Society (PTOS) and ResponsAbility: USPTO Disability Advocates, commemorated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month on J...Read More
Shared from Blog by Kathi Vidal, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO America’s inventors and entrepreneurs power our nation’s economy, competitiveness...Read More
USPTO Military Association (UMA) hosted the Memorial Day Tribute and Walk of Remembrance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Madison atrium to the Alexandria National Cemetery. ...Read More
Madeline Mosley Vincent, granddaughter of Retired Army Sergeant First Class Andrew John Vincent and great-granddaughter of WWII Veteran Raymond Clay Mosley is the class of 2020 Valedictorian of St. Jo...Read More
Nicholas Dominique graduated Magna Cum Laude from Battlefield High School. He will be attending Virginia Tech, School of Engineering, on a 4 Year Air Force ROTC Scholarship, majoring in Aerospace Engi...Read More
Justin Hoang, graduated from Rangeview High school, Aurora, Colorado. He will attend School of Mines this fall and major in Computer Science....Read More
Victoria “Tori” Burns, graduated from George Mason University on May 22, 2020. She graduated Magna Cum Ladue with a B.S. in Rehabilitation Science and a minor in Kinesiology. She was also a ...Read More
Christopher Craciun – Graduate of 2020 – “Axente Sever High School” in Medias, Romania Chris moved from parents’ home in Huntingtown MD, to a small town in Medias Romania, in his junior year...Read More
Celine Mahne graduated magna cum laude from George Washington University on May 15, 2020 with a bachelor of arts in International Affairs and minor in Korean. ...Read More